SGA Audio
Hey there! I'm Jessie, and I run a small farm with 3 adorable cowgirls. This is the second part of my story about the new Super Growth Grain, where things really started to get out of hand. It’s difficult looking after 3 huge cowgirls, and they just make so much milk, I’m running out of room to store it all! But don’t worry, I’ll keep feeding them the grain, it’ll more than makeup for the inconveniences, I’m sure!
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Super Growth Grain 2
Hey there! I'm Jessie, and I run a small farm with 3 adorable cowgirls. This is the story about what happened when I first gave them the new Super Growth Grain, and let me tell you, it worked a treat. My three girls were growing and producing more milk every single day!
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Super Growth Grain
Your girlfriend Jenny has invented a cloning machine, and is ready to test it out. Quickly, a second Jenny emerges, and the pair begin making alterations to their new clones, making them taller, bigger breasts and bigger butts. Each successive clone gets bigger, and realizing that they're turning you on, begin to work together to pleasure you.
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Your Girlfriend's Cloning Machine
Ellie and Maewin are spending a boring summer day when something amazing happens. While trying to reach some high exercise bars, Ellie discovers she can make herself grow bigger, and soon, Maewin discovers she can do it too! What will these two sisters do with their newfound power?
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Sizebox Sisters
Kimberly is an idol at a fan meet up before her big world tour, where her fans are buying her food in support. However, Kimberly begins to feel strange, and soon she's suddenly getting taller, and her belly is growing bigger, what is happening to her, and how big will she grow?
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