SGA Audio
NSFW, MuscleGrowth, GiantessGrowth, ClothesRipping, Eating, Sister, ThirdPersonNarration
I loved the stretching growth sequence near the middle!
I've found the Stronger Sister series to be really thrilling and engaging. Whilst I've never been a fan of such "overly sweet" voices, Juno manages to portray Shae as charming but with a nice undertone of mischievous and a hint of hunger in the exercise and growth sequences which is very impressive. The first part being a good introduction of characters but falls a bit at showing us what to exactly to expect from Shae until the very end but following straight onto the second part gives a really great scale of how much she is progressing with the cliffhanger being cruelly perfect leaving me in great anticipation of a third and, seemingly, final part.
Please make part 3, I would love to see what will happen next