SGA Audio
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NSFW, Interactive, WeightGain, MuscleGrowth, ButtExpansion, BreastExpansion, HeightGrowth, ClothesRipping, Monologue
The only thing that I find lacking is that there's no visual and sometimes audio is overlaping. But the options are great in how they go and Mako-Chii's voice is simply divine in this work (though I honestly don't know where she would do bad job). Overall, I greatly enjoyed this!
This audio enables 5 usages but unfortunately I only cared for 2 out of 5. If you like all options go ahead. If you dont have at least 3 out of them, for $12 i suggest another story from them. The parts that i liked were according to my taste. The only issue why i didnt gave 5 starts was that many times i played sometimes the audio would overlap
Is there a way to play this on mobile android?