SGA Audio

Your girlfriend Jenny has invented a cloning machine, and is ready to test it out. Quickly, a second Jenny emerges, and the pair begin making alterations to their new clones, making them taller, bigger breasts and bigger butts. Each successive clone gets bigger, and realizing that they're turning you on, begin to work together to pleasure you.
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Your Girlfriend's Cloning Machine

Helen is here to test out the brand new expansion machine! It can do breast or butt expansion, or both, but some of the bugs aren't properly ironed out yet. Will the machine stay intact till the end of testing? Probably not, but the question is, how effective will it be?
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Expansion Machine

Emma finds a strange device with a x2 symbol on it and a button, and her curiosity gets the better of her. She discovers that whenever she presses the button, she’ll grow to twice her current height, and as she’s always wanted to be taller, she keeps pressing it! Just how big will she get?
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