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SGA Audio

Ellie and Sophia have been friends for a long time. While Sophia spends a lot of time building up her muscle, she's surprised to see Ellie putting on huge amounts of weight, so the two agree to a bet. Can Sophia get strong enough to lift Ellie up in just two days? But, what Ellie doesn't know, is Sophia has a trick up her sleeve.
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I Can Lift You

Ellie and Sophia have been friends for a long time. While Sophia spends a lot of time building up her muscle, she's surprised to see Ellie putting on huge amounts of weight, so the two agree to a bet. Can Ellie get fat enough to stop Sophia being able to lift her up in just two days? But, what Sophia doesn't know, is Ellie has a trick up her sleeve.
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Cover by
You Can't Lift Me
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